Flow price: --


Hash: a121c3df017593d43eb22613d7727e488c5383622c9f55d2f54e6a4cb6584084

One of the keys used in this transaction is not valid.

[Error Code: 1006] invalid proposal key: public key 0 on account 3fb11b19b86ec61b does not have a valid signature: [Error Code: 1009] invalid envelope key: public key 0 on account 3fb11b19b86ec61b does not have a valid signature: signature is not valid could not find import [Error Code: 1006] invalid proposal key: public key 0 on account 3fb11b19b86ec61b does not have a valid signature: [Error Code: 1009] invalid envelope key: public key 0 on account 3fb11b19b86ec61b does not have a valid signature: signature is not valid%!(EXTRA string=No contracts found for identifier=A.0f9df91c9121c460.FUSD)